Divorce &

Co-Parent Coaching

You never imagined yourself here, right? I get it. As someone that has been through the divorce process and has a co-parenting relationship, this area of wellness coaching is very meaningful to me. This coaching is specialized to support you while navigating the challenges of this new season of life. Having someone in your corner during this time is invaluable.

Whether you are now divorcing or have been divorced for years, we can develop effective communication skills, navigate agreements and find coping tools for the emotional impact of separation of a family. We focus on fostering a healthy relationship with yourself, while creating a cooperative relationship with a co-parent.

  • We can navigate the emotional ups and downs of the divorce process, providing a safe space to express feelings and frustrations. We identify where you want to go from here, who you want to be, an create a life you love!

  • I help clients develop effective communication strategies to create an effective co-parenting plan that promotes cooperation, healthy boundaries and benefits the well-being of the children and each co-parent. We work towards healthy communication and conflict resolution.

  • I support clients in prioritizing self-care, managing stress, and maintaining their physical and emotional well-being during and after the divorce process. This includes assistance in building a support network as to prevent feelings of isolation during this time.

  • I work with clients to develop coping strategies and tools to manage the anxiety, depression, financial stress and time management struggles that come with divorce in order to build resilience.