A collaborative, holistic approach to complete well-being.

  • What you are not changing, you are choosing.



    It all starts by determining what you want and establishing focus.


    Determine what obstacles are blocking you from the life you want.


    Plan to get what you want and how to maintain it for life! This is your new beginning!

What is wellness coaching?

Work 1-1 to address multiple issues:

  • Establish work-life balance

  • Divorce and co-parenting coaching, individual or couples

  • Develop a plan for maintaining consistency in diet and exercise

  • Prioritize self-care and stress management

  • Provide strategies for improving relationships

  • Improve sleep issues and energy deficiencies

  • Strategies for dealing with shame and finding motivation

  • Identify emotional and environmental triggers related to diet and exercise

What wellness coaching is not….

  • It’s not prescriptive or therapy. I don’t diagnose physical or psychological illness or prescribe medication.

  • I won’t tell you what to do. Rather, empower you to make the best choices for your potential. You’ll put ideas into action. Teamwork!

  • I won’t give you specific nutrition or fitness plans. Together, we’ll determine your goals in these areas and strategize for success.